How to convert speech into text using JavaScript ?
In this article, we will learn to convert speech into text using HTML and JavaScript....
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How to invert key value in JavaScript object ?
JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted, and dynamically typed client-side scripting language. JavaScript is used to add dynamic features to the static HTML. Everything is an object in JavaScript. Objects in JavaScript can be declared using figure brackets {..} and the objects may comprise certain properties. These properties are basically key-value pairs. The key is an identifier that is used to store and retrieve values. Inverting key-value pairs is tedious using conventional methods. But with the advent of “underscore.js”, inversion of key values can be performed using the inbuilt method _.invert(). In this article, we shall discuss both methods of inverting key-value pairs of JavaScript objects....
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Selection Sort Visualizer in JavaScript
Selection sort is the simplest sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly finding the minimum element (considering ascending order) from the unsorted part and putting it at the beginning....
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Built in & Custom Model Managers in Django
Django manager is a class that acts as an interface through which Django models interact with databases. Every model has at least one manager object. It has a lot of methods, attributes to ease working with databases. In fact, many beginner-level Django developers do not know that they use the Manager class object to extract or create desired model object/objects. The default Manager object that Django provides in models is “objects“....
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How to send button value to PHP backend via POST using ajax ?
The purpose of this article is to send the value of the button to PHP back-end using AJAX in an HTML document....
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Node.js require Module
The primary object exported by the require() module is a function. When NodeJS invokes this require() function, it does so with a singular argument – the file path. This invocation triggers a sequence of five pivotal steps:...
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CSS Flexbox and Its Properties
CSS Flexbox, or Flexible Box Layout, is the layout model designed to create flexible and responsive layout structures without using float or positioning. By applying display: flex to a parent container, it becomes a flex container, and its children become flex items. This allows control over the items’ growth, shrinkage, and space distribution....
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How to change the size of a bootstrap pill badge?
Given an HTML document having pill badges (In case if you don’t know what a pill badge then refer to this ) and the task is to increase the size of the badge. There can be three approaches to do that. The approaches are discussed below:-...
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Web Scripting and its Types
The process of creating and embedding scripts in a web page is known as web-scripting. A script or a computer-script is a list of commands that are embedded in a web-page normally and are interpreted and executed by a certain program or scripting engine....
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How to Deal with Large Numbers in JavaScript ?
Large numbers are the numbers that can hold huge memory and evaluation time is more than exceeds space and time to process. We can deal with large numbers in JavaScript using the data type BigInt....
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How to align an image and text vertically on the same line in React Bootstrap?
ReactJS has a very beautiful way to align images and text vertically in the same line in React Bootstrap. ReactJS is a front-end library developed by Facebook to build various components of the front-end. Bootstrap is a CSS framework developed by Twitter for building CSS enriched front end websites....
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How to scroll to a particular element or skip to content in React JS ?
In this article, we will learn about how to scroll or skip a particular element in React JS, We can do this using React hook useRef and React styled-components....
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